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Peggy Nerdahl
Lilies in New Zealand
Peggy Nerdahl was an exchange student to New Zealand in 1970, spending that year with a wonderful family on their sheep farm while attending high school. She and her New Zealand “family” have maintained a close relationship for fifty years – a relationship that has expanded into a mutual love of lilies!
Peggy started growing lilies in 2008, simultaneously becoming an active member of North Star Lily Society and NALS. In January 2014, those two interests ̶ lilies and New Zealand ̶ merged. Peggy and her husband, Rod, visited the New Zealand Lily Society’s annual show in Christchurch. Two years ago, Peggy and Rod were delighted to see Rex Lyes (NZLS President) and his wife, Gail, at the 2019 NALS show in Boston and met a new lily friend from “down under,” Bev Winter, of Rolleston, New Zealand. In January 2020, Peggy and Rod were reunited with lily friends and expanded their contacts in New Zealand during their most recent trip.
During her presentation, Peggy Nerdahl will share highlights from the 2020 visit to New Zealand, including photos taken during several exceptional lily tours – including a trip to well-known species lily grower, Lane Spence’s gardens at Lake Grassmere on the northeast coast of the South Island. Also included will be images of Bev Winter’s incredible raised bed gardens in Rolleston and six additional lily gardens located near the cities of Christchurch and Timaru on the South Island. Peg’s illustrated presentation will give you an opportunity to “meet” several lily growers and hybridizers (whom you may recognize from their posts to online lily groups), check out some gorgeous lily gardens and take an outing to check out a few tantalizing glimpses of New Zealand’s incredible scenery – images that may inspire you to plan a trip to New Zealand – the “Land of the Long White Cloud”.