North American Lily Society
1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium
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The 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium is supported by donations, sponsorships and event fees obtained from our membership and other supportive organizations and individuals. The North American Lily Society (NALS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions to NALS are tax deductible. Financial support for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium is important to our mission of promoting widespread interest in the genus Lilium, research and exploration of Lilium, and education of the general public.
To support the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium, please consider making a donation to our Lilium "Hall of Fame" Sponsorship Levels listed below;
- 'Leslie Woodriff' Lilium Level - $2000 & above
- 'Conca d'Or' Lilium Level - $1000 to $1999
- 'Journey's End' Lilium Level - $500 to $999
- 'Connecticut King' Lilium Level - $250 to $499
- 'White Henryi' Lilium Level - $100 to $249
- 'Enchantment' Lilium Level - $50 to $100
Please download this PDF Sponsor Form and send your donation, with completed form to: NALS2021, Stephanie Sims, Executive Secretary, P.O. Box W, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805
Download this MS Word Sponsor Form and email your completed form to stephanie@lilies.org and pay online by entering your TOTAL Sponsor Donation into the box provided by the following PayPal Donate button;
Sponsors will be listed on the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium website and in our promotional materials, newsletters, and our official printed program. Tribute donors, including honorees, will be listed on our website and in the official printed program.
Our current 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium Sponsors;
'Leslie Woodriff' Lilium Level
Donations pending
Donations pending
- Marianne Casey - Donation in Memory of Ron Chiabotta and Jim McKenney
- Mary Zocchi - Donation in Memory of John ‘Jack’ Roe, Vicki Bowen and Jim McKenney
'Connecticut King' Lilium Level
- Brian Bergman - Donation in Memory of Otto Bergman
- Chuck Robinson - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.
- Lynn Slackman - Donation in Honor of Gardeners Connect of Greater Kansas City and the surrounding region.
- Suzi Worsham - Donation to sponsor Jane Godshalk presentation.
- Constance R Forrest - Donation in Memory of Dinah June.
- Pam Hardy - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.
- Trish Kincheloe - Donation in Memory of Vicki Bowen and Jim McKenney.
- M. F. Moorman Family Foundation - Donation in Honor of Garden Club of Virginia’s 100th Anniversary.
- Laurie Saunders from the Alamo Heights – Terrell Hills Garden Club in San Antonio, TX - Donation to sponsor Jane Godshalk presentation.
- Darm Crook - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.
- John Gormley - Donation in Honor of Clara Roth.
- Miriam McCarville - Donation in Memory of “Anna” Lover of flowers.
- Nancie Motley - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.
- Potomac Lily Society - Donation to sponsor Jane Godshalk presentation.
- Rose Stone (Hartle Gilman Gardens) - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.
- Pat Turner - Donation in Memory of Mrs. Tayloe Murphy.
- Robin Van Liew - Donation in Honor of Maria Tersini Vicalvi, who loved flowers.
- Connie Williamson - In Honor of the North American Lily Society for the 1st Virtual International Lily Show & Symposium.